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Josef flying in Děčín, 22.3.2008

First Saturday after Saint Joseph in the time of Easter Lent we gathered with our rubber driven models in the hall in Děčín - we end the season in Děčín and start it there as well...

As the event went in standard way, including the winner :-), I'll focus mainly on new models, there were quite a few. Older models were described in previous reports.

Final standings:

1. Adam Jeník, Bücker Bü 133, 71s

2. Robert Pajas, S.E.5-prototype, 62s

3. Pavel Formánek, Fokker E.III, 70s

Photographs of new models can be found in gallery below, the complete listing in PDF format (58kB) can be found [here]

Avia BH-3, PZL 8: Martin can cut almost transparent plates from pink or blue foam using resistance cutter (about 0.2 mm thick, we saw the sample - great !). Plate can be painted with spray embedded material and sanded - weight increase in minimal. Unfortunatelly the technology was invented during the built and Avia peanut is made of 1 mm plates, sanded and sprayed with Humbrol, the weight is over 10g and trimming is difficult, rubber 3.2 adds more weight, there was not enough time for trimming...

Similarly there was not enough time for trim flights of Martin's second model, this time of classical design. Almost every model can be trimmed, but speed increases with weight as well as precision required.

Sopwith Triplane, S.E5a: Robert brought two new full balsa sheet pistacios, built in similar way as Bristol Scout but with more emphasis on the scale. Both wing and fuselage made of 0.3mm balsa, tail is made of balsa sanded to transparency, all once lacquered and polished. Ribs are indicated by strips of modelspan on Triplane and black japan on S.E.5a, the airfoil of the wings on supplementary ribs in the places of braces; built models are about 3.5g but must be balanced: Triplane is balanced on propeller axis to 5.1g, made a few rounds (about 20s) during trim flight with 1.4 rubber and 134mm propeller, then it was severaly wounded by broken rubber. S.E.5a weights 4.2g after balance weight was added, it only made two trimming flights - with very short 1.4 rubber band, 100mm propeller and 350 rounds, flights were about 20s. To get an idea about the flying properties check YouTube video. (appology for movie low quality.)

Farman 1926 "Carte Postale": Tomáš brought also one full sheet balsa pistacio, built from 0.8mm, which increased weight, it is equipped with Peck Polymers 100mm propeller; fear from bad influence of wide wing on longitudal stability vanished after few Tomas's trims, pistacio flew well, times were not recorded yet...

Fokker D.VII by Viktor Lukáč from KE-PNUT-TEAM made the best flights after the competition, it is of classical built, weight 12-13g, plastic 150mm propeller, printed cover from Robert Cok, basically younger brother of Adam's red Fokker; the model was damaged at the final battle in "Děčín WWI". Check the video on YouTube. (appology for movie low quality.)

Bristol Brownie had really bad luck, model of classical built covered with modelspan is not the lightest, it weights around 14g, but is very stable and Viktor trimmed it perfecly in Kladno during training in low ceiling hall, with 3.2 rubber it made rounds like a king; in here unfortunatelly the king finished its rounds after the first circle: Viktor started secretly a bit on side, with concern from the organizers.... well, afterwards the flying was impossible.

Aero A-35: classical built, covered with mylar 5,4g/m2, painted with Humbrol diluted by aceton, weight 4.8g without rubber, propeller 170mm made of balsa, carved on glass, rubber band 1.6 is a bit too strong. That was proved during the flight when model reached roofing during two, three rounds, followed with thrilling flight amond the traps which also illustrated the thermal currents in the hall - light model reacted on the slightes air bump; in 52 second of the flight the collision occured, to get the model from behind the lights we needed the ladder......

Miniscal event was ended by KE-PNUT-TEAM with two dog-fights show (about 50s, video see the link above), in both fights cockardes win over the cross outnumbers.

text: R. Pajas; photo and camcoder: T. Vostradovský, P. Onemichl; additional photo Zbyněk Horák

P.S. More pictures from the event (not only the miniscale models) including the in-flight photos can be found on this photoalbum (outside link)